Machine Learning & Computer Vision Expert

Results-driven and innovative artificial intelligence solutions developer of intelligent and connected systems with demonstrated experience in software development, data fusion, and computer vision. I have both national and international experience.


Post-Doctoral: (2018- 2019)

Philosophiae Doctor (PhD.): (2013- 2018)

Master 2: Smart Aerospace and Autonomous Systems, Évry Val-d’Essonne University (2012- 2013)

Master 2: Automatic and Systems Control (2010- 2012)

Licence: Systems Control (2007- 2010)



Machine Learning & Computer Vision Expert SYMBOTIC (2018 - PRESENT)

Adviser, developer and team leader: computer vision and ArtificialIntelligence integration on VMS “Videos Management Systems” Plug-ins. GSD Group (2019 - 2021)

Freelancer: Parallel computer developer of embedded AI for autonomous and connected vehicles Opal-RT Technologies inc (2017 - 2019)


DSC 2019 Europe VR: “Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition” Sept. 4–6, 2019, Strasbourg, France.

“Survey and Overview on Code Optimization and Hardware Adaptation of Heterogeneous Platforms (CPU vs GPU) for Real-Time and Accelerated Simulation to Achieve Autonomous Driving.” First author.

McGill Code Jam “Pattern Recognition” Nov. 2018:

 “Quick Start with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)”: Code and basic concepts of CNN.

Real-time objects detection and classification with Jetson TX2 toolkit based on Yolo2.

“Pattern Recognition and Co-Simulation to Achieve Level 5 of Autonomous Driving”: Presentation of OPAL-RT products and solutions.

McGill AQTr “Automated Vehicles Forum” Oct. 2018, Montreal, Canada:Jam “Pattern Recognition” Nov. 2018:

“Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and Validation / Homologation Methods of Automated Vehicles” Presenter.

Movin’On “World Summit on Sustainable Mobility” Jun 2018, Montreal, Canada:

 “ADAS modelling and validation solutions for automated driving levels with OPAL-RT products and our industrial partners; these solutions are developed during my doctoral research project carried out within the OPAL-RT Technologies.” Products’ demonstrator.

Journal (IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine):

Magazine): “From Simultaneous Localization and Mapping to Simultaneous Collaborative Localization and Mapping for Intelligent Vehicles” First author.

IEEE ITSWC (Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress). Nov. 2017, Montreal, Canada.

“Online Trajectory Planning with a Modified Potential Field Method on Distributed Architectures for Autonomous Vehicles”. First author.

RT 17 (OPAL-RT’s International Conference on Real-Time Simulation). Sept. 2017, Montreal, Canada.

 – Real-Time Cooperative Localization with Extended and Unscented Kalman Filters for Intelligent Vehicles.” Paper presenter.

– Demonstrations on the new intelligent and connected vehicles simulator including vehicle path planning with & Modified Artificial Potential Fields Method, on RTLAB / Pro-SiVIC platforms & Product presenter and demonstrator.

– Poster session and presentation of the Intelligent Vehicles Simulator in collaborative driving under RTLAB and Pro-SiVIC platforms. Poster presenter.


IEEE IV (Intelligent Vehicles Symposium). Jun 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Publication & Modified artificial potential field method for online path planning applications & First author.


IEEE VPPC (Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference). Oct. 2015, Montreal, Canada.

Publication and presentation “Real Time Cooperative Localization for Autonomous Vehicles.” First author.

IEEE ITSC (Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference). Nov. 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Publication and presentation “Autonomous Vehicle and Real Time Road Lanes Detection and Tracking.” First author.

Auto21: “SolviIEEE ICACCI (International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics). Sept. 2014, Delhi, the Challenges of Tomorrow, Today.” May 26–27, 2015 at the Westin Ottawa, Canada.

– Publications and presentation “Real-time simulator for collaborative and autonomous vehicles.” First author.

– Poster session & Poster: Real-time simulator of collaborative autonomous vehicles.” First author.

RT 14: “Architectures et calcul parallèles.” Jun 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Auto 21: “Solving the Challenges of Tomorrow, Today.” May 2014, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.

Poster presenter “Multi-Vehicle Perception and Communication for Maneuvers and Active Safety Applications.” First author.

IEEE ICNSC (International Conference on Networking Sensing and Control Conference) April 2013, Évry Val d’Essonne, France.

Member of conference organizers team.